At the beginning of the year, we all dance to a similar tune — the beat of renewal, of shedding old skins and stepping into ones we vow will fit us better, declaring to anyone who’d listen (and even those who wouldn’t!) that “this is my year.”
Fast-forward to today, and here we are — 96 days have passed — a quarter of the year gone.
Perhaps you’re on track — doing what you said you were going to do, hitting milestones, meeting goals and moving into ‘that’ next level — be it in business, personal growth, sports or the game of love.
But maybe, on the other hand, life got in the way — and your hopes and aspirations are overshadowed by the old familiar ways (and lies!) that stop you from stepping into unknown territory, dimming the bright promise of the year’s dawn into the reality of unmet expectations.
So, let’s get off auto-pilot for a second and take an honest look in the mirror:
Are you doing what you said you were going to do? Are you in the driver’s seat of your life, hands firmly on the wheel, actively pursuing the goals you set for yourself?
Or have you slipped into the passenger seat, merely along for the ride, letting the road take you wherever it may without direction or intent, finding refuge in distractions, allowing social media, procrastination or whatever your choice of escape is to pull you further from your path?
Whichever way you answer, consider this as the first aid station in the marathon of 2024 and me as your biggest supporter, reminding you that you’re still in the game — and you now have a chance to reassess, recharge, and redirect your time, energy and focus toward the goals you set with such conviction at the year’s start.
Because the truth is, (self-inflicted) setbacks are not failures unless you allow them to be the end of your journey. They are, in fact, an inevitable part of any meaningful pursuit.
Because let’s face it. Most people have quietly resigned their goals to the “maybe next year” pile, convincing themselves that the timing wasn’t right, life got in the way or simply any other BS story about why they couldn’t do what they said they were going to do.
This cycle, this annual dance of ambition followed by retreat, does more than just halt us in our tracks, keeping us away from living a fully-lived life — but slowly erodes our sense of self-trust each time we trade discomfort for comfort and the familiar for the unfamiliar.
Each time we set an intention and fail to see it through, we’re not just missing out on a potential achievement, we’re actively teaching ourselves that we can’t trust our own word.
This regression doesn’t just affect our self-perception — it seeps into every facet of our lives, colouring our relationships, our work, and our dreams with doubt, scepticism, and defeat. With each unfulfilled promise, this belief becomes more fortified and further weakens our ability to do what’s right over what’s easy, convenient or expected of us.
Over time, you become weaker and weaker — not necessarily in your physical self, but in your resolve, willpower and self-esteem. Your goals, those beacons of hope and ambition that you set for yourself, will drift further and further away — becoming mirages on the horizon of our lives.
And while it may feel safe and comfortable in the present moment to hide, avoid, shrink, play safe, stay within the lines or duck the big moves, it comes at a high price…
Because it robs you of the depth, fulfilment and joy that a fully-lived life has to offer.
Yet the beauty of life is that we have the power to change our reality at any given moment. It takes one single decision, and the moment you decide to take a step — any step — towards your goal, no matter how small, you ignite a process of rebuilding — reconstructing the trust you’ve lost in yourself, piece by piece.
Every action taken, every hurdle overcome, adds a layer of competence, a building block of trust in your own abilities.
And this is where transformation begins.
With each small achievement, you’re not just ticking off a task but instead laying down the foundation for a renewed sense of self. This competence is the fuel for your journey, propelling you forward and reinforcing the belief that yes, I am capable, and yes, I can meet my goals.
Confidence through competence is a cycle that feeds itself. Every challenge faced and overcome reinforces your belief in your own abilities, which in turn, emboldens you to take on even greater challenges.
This is how greatness is achieved — not in one swoop, but in the steady accumulation of small victories, each one building upon the last.
I don’t know where you are right now. If you’re soaring, drifting away or somewhere stuck in the in-between.
But when you put that aside, it’s day 96/366. Not just another day, but another opportunity — 270 blank pages to (re)write your story. It’s a chance to recommit, an opportunity to decide what matters most and to give it your all.
As your biggest supporter, I’m challenging you.
Make the changes. All of them. Whatever it takes.
Become one of the few who chooses to do the thing you know you must do.
Even — or perhaps especially — when you don’t feel ready.
Do it when you’re tired.
Do it when you don’t want to.
Do it when everyone is judging you.
Do it when nobody believes in you.
Do it when others do the easy thing.
Do it when you feel lost.
Do it when you want to fall back into your old, familiar ways.
Because even if the world is conspiring against you, as long as you do what you — deep down — know you must do, you can go to bed knowing you shouldered responsibility, lived with integrity, and gave it your all.
That’s what builds character, confidence and competence.
That’s how you step back into the driver’s seat of your life and guide yourself towards your highest aims, potential, purpose, and joy in life.
Get out there and do the thing — whatever it may be.