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Official Bio

Jord Cuiper

Jord is a self-leadership coach with over ten years of experience in the field of entrepreneurship and coaching. He serves a client base spanning 20+ countries ranging from founders and business owners to high-level professionals at companies like Facebook, Google, McKenzie, Nike H&M, Microsoft & Gartner.

With 5000+ hours of experience and a rich and diverse background encompassing the highest peaks of athletic and entrepreneurial achievement and the toughest valleys of failure, loss, abuse, grief and health crisis, Jord brings a unique, real-world perspective to the coaching field. Using evidence-based research and wisdom from lived experiences and teachings, Jord helps clients realign and break out of old ways of being that hinder their true inner power and fulfilment.

His work can be described as deep, bespoke, and transformative; it is beloved by hundreds of entrepreneurs and business leaders for its depth, structure and, above all, its ever-lasting ripple effect.

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