Whilst some people look at others living the lives they want and convince themselves it’s impossible for them to do the same, a select few see it as an invitation to find their edge and courageously give what it takes.
They commit wholeheartedly to the actions that will bring them one step closer to the life they envision — without knowing exactly where it will lead them.
They’re not blindsided by the destination, and instead, have fallen in love with the process and unlocked strengths, gifts, leadership skills, opportunities, and outcomes they’d never imagined before.
Life presented me with my invitation 10 years ago when a near-fatal health crisis forced me to step down as the CEO of my tech startup. It was humbling, forced me to confront my own BS and get radically clear on the single most important question that we can ask ourselves:
What is it that I REALLY want out of this one wild, terrifying, unpredictable and tragically short but awe-inspiring thing called life?
And this is a question that took me years to answer. It took the courage to explore, try, risk and grow without being completely certain about where my actions would lead me.
But it was only through this action, this self-belief, resilience and exposure to new levels, places, people, experiences and challenges that the life that I live today became my reality — something that ten years ago I thought would never be possible for me.
Despite the beliefs that I held true about myself and what I deemed to be possible — I physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually became the man that I looked up to.
And I’m not telling you this to stroke my own ego, but rather to paint you the picture — that what you think is impossible today could be your baseline in a few months or years time.
But most people never even try.
Which, from my observations as a coach comes down to a few key barriers. The first (and main!) being that most people trap themselves and their goals behind a lens of comparison.
Look, let’s be honest, at some point or another, we’ve all been guilty of playing the comparison game.
In life, business or relationships, we’ve all looked to the “top dogs” — people who are 10, 20, and sometimes even 30 years ahead of us for inspiration, motivation, or even guidance — but are instead left wondering why our progress doesn’t look like their highlight reel (and if it ever will!).
We look at them and the stage that they’re at in their life and assume (or completely overlook) the fact that their hard work and sacrifices were a logical choice because they understood exactly where their actions would lead them. That they never felt the uncertainty, doubt, fear, and worry over where they were going to end up.
Sure, they may have had a stronger-than-average sense of self-belief. But this misconception feeds into the stories (lies!) that we tell ourselves about why we can’t have or don’t deserve the life we crave — stories that limit our beliefs about what is and isn’t possible for us.
Which might sound like, “I don’t have the right resources,” “I’m just not the type of person who succeeds,” or “But for them, it’s easier.” — powerful internal narratives, not necessarily because they’re true, but because we believe them to be.
So, those who I’ve seen fall into this trap through these comparisons confine their growth under a glass ceiling of their own making, believing that they just aren’t cut out for the life they, often secretly, crave.
But the truth is, the people who are living the life you want had no clue about where their actions would lead them. There’s just one, key difference between those who made the impossible, possible and those who walk around with a story as to why their goals were left as words on a page.
They didn’t worry about the outcome, and instead, got clarity over the needle movers and directed all of their attention entirely to their input — something that I’m inviting you to do as well.
But first, get radically honest and ask yourself, what is it you truly want out of your life?
Do you want to get in the driver’s seat and lead a life on your own terms? Be in charge of a successful business you founded? Finally, live your best life in the country you always dreamed of living in? Impact the world by sharing your knowledge, strengths and gifts — to truly claim and fulfil your mission on this earth?
Or do you maybe want to commit to a physical goal like completing an ironman, climbing to the summit of a mountain, or simply just being in the best shape of your life so that you can pursue the activities that make you feel alive?
Whatever it is, I invite you to get curious and clear on what it is that you REALLY want. That heartfelt desire that you can feel in the depths of your core — that thing that drives you to get up day after day and that makes life worth living.
But before we dive deeper, pause and ask yourself — What is the story that you tell yourself that stops you from going after the one thing that you deeply desire? What makes you think you can’t have it, don’t deserve it, or what stops you from starting?
These stories are so deeply ingrained that they have often become part of our identity, forming the main barriers between us and the impossible. The first step to rewriting these stories is to acknowledge them and recognise what purpose they serve because, most likely, they are trying to protect you from feelings such as fear, embarrassment, overwhelm, doubt and insecurity.
But understanding isn’t enough. We must learn to take action that proves that we can move towards our desired future — that we can be in charge of our destiny.
Because the impossible only becomes possible through consistent and progressive action.
Every “great” that ever existed realised they were great through finding the bleeding edge of their current capabilities — putting in the work, the blood, sweat and tears until they realised that they could do far more than they originally thought.
So, get an idea of what you want, dream big, and be inspired by people who are further ahead of you. But most important of all, find your edge, a goal — a tangible endpoint — that stretches and challenges you but is within your reach. Because every time you reach your edge, you will realise that your edge was never your edge, but rather a self-imposed limitation.
Every time you prove yourself wrong, your baseline will shift a tiny bit further until, at some point, the story about why you can’t do it or have it turns into a “What else is possible?”.
And that’s when you know you’re on the right track. It’s right there in that space that you’re reminded of your power to make the impossible possible.
That’s when the spark of obsession within you ignites.
That’s when you can’t stop yourself from exploring beyond the boundaries of what you’ve always known.
That’s when your dreams become reachable goals.
And when your once lofty goals become your new reality.
But (to me!) the most exciting part about this point of your journey is the ripple effect it has on those around you. As you do what you, and often many others, deem to be impossible, you become a beacon of hope and inspiration to them. You become living proof that the impossible is just a challenge waiting to be accepted.