Stoking the Flames of Obsession

January 11, 2025

The people with an insight into my life at the moment think that I’m some kind of pre-dawn, trail-running super-human.

They see me waking up at 4 am to race the sunrise up the mountains, training 3 times per day, eating whole foods (along with some unhealthy snacks!) and saying no to the coffee dates, dinners or even the spontaneous games of tennis (as much as I’d like to say yes!) so that I can get my rest, recover and be ready to do it all again the next day.

And they all keep asking me the same question:

“Jord, how are you so disciplined?”.

As if I possess magical powers, that I have some plug-and-play, secret formula to discipline.

I don’t, and as far as I know, there are no shortcuts and there is no magic pill.

Because the reality is that as much as I’m disciplined, I’m also obsessed.

Obsessed with the journey that life has presented me with — evolving from a rookie runner into a 100KM trail athlete. And whilst the goal — the tangible endpoint of 100KM — is what I’m working towards, it’s merely the vehicle.

Because to be radically honest with you, the miles under my feet, the training and the early night are just a part of the process. The fact is that if I had to rely on discipline only, I would have given up already. The root of my obsession lies in who I’m becoming in the pursuit of my goal.

Day by day, the fire in my belly grows. I feel stronger, more energised, resilient and powerful, and I reach heights I never thought were possible for me. I am well and truly in the driver’s seat of life — guiding myself towards my highest aims, potential, purpose and joy in life.

And it’s through this obsession that I’ve begun to live in a way that others might still see as disciplined (or crazy), but for me, it’s my normal — and it’s exhilarating.

It’s no longer a struggle or a sacrifice. It’s simply a part of who I am.

But perhaps the most beautiful part of reaching this level of obsession is the impact it has on those around you. My energy and passion have become contagious. I have become a role model and an inspiration to those around me, showing what’s possible when you pour your entire heart into something, and give it everything you have.

It’s a journey that reshapes not just my life, but, potentially, the lives of everyone I touch.

I can’t explain to you a greater sense of joy than that. It just makes me want to do more of what I do best, regardless of how hard it is.

And I’m not telling you this to stoke the flames of my own ego, but rather, to inspire you to see what lies on the other side of fully committing to a worthwhile goal.

Because from an outside perspective, it does look like I’m some kind of superhuman. Only because the people observing me have never experienced what it means to break through the threshold of discipline and tap into the power of obsession.

So, they stay believing that it’s my discipline alone that propels me forward. However, while discipline is the spark that ignites the journey, it’s the transition to obsession that truly unlocks a world of potential, strengths, gifts, leadership, opportunities and outcomes you’ve never imagined before.

And this is why I wanted to emphasise the difference between discipline and obsession — but more importantly, how you can tap into your obsession, and experience what it’s like to become a source of resilience, strength and a beacon of hope, inspiration and joy.

To me, healthy obsession is the evolution of discipline. Where it becomes less about forcing yourself to adhere to a strict set of rules and more about being driven by a deep hunger to become who you were created to be.

Where discipline lays the foundation, healthy obsession builds the structure of a fully-lived life — where the game changes entirely. But most people never reach this point and get past the threshold between discipline and obsession — which is the case for two reasons.

Now, the biggest barrier that holds people back is the need for certainty. The lie that says that once they find their thing — it could be a new business, relationship, or hobby — then, and only then, they will give it their all. But here lies the misconception.

Because you have to give your all to find what is (and isn’t!) for you. And not the other way around.

Yet the thing is, most people won’t ever take the leap because they stay sat on the sidelines, passively waiting for the “right moment”, clinging to the comforting illusion that everything will somehow fall into place without effort, will only anchor you to stagnation.

And this is where, discipline in it’s traditional sense, is vital.

It’s the ignition that starts the engine. It gets you moving, breaks bad habits, and pushes you onto the path that will take you to places that you never thought were possible. Because the truth is, life rarely offers the perfect moment. What matters is accepting where you are and using whatever you feel right now — anger, frustration, sadness, joy — as fuel for your journey.

It’s about starting where you are, with what you have, whilst doing what you can instead of waiting for what you think you should have (or need!)

And discipline shatters this misconception — because by showing up day after day, starting small, doing the thing when you don’t feel ready, when you’re tired, when you don’t want to, when you feel lost, when nobody believes in you and you feel that friends are judging you is what builds character, confidence and competence.

But this is also what builds obsession.

The distinction between mere discipline and true obsession lies in the depth of connection to what you’re pursuing. It’s in this relentless dedication, this unwavering commitment, where you discover what truly belongs to you — what resonates deeply with your spirit and fuels your drive to becoming the person that you were created to be.

It’s here, in the act of giving your all, that you discover whether a pursuit truly fits you. Not everything you try will lead to obsession, but without diving in fully, without testing the waters with every ounce of your being, you’ll never know. It’s in this all-in commitment that you find your passions, those that light up your world and invite obsession to take root. It opens doors that you never knew existed.

So I urge you to take action, throw yourself in fully and do the thing.

Now, this leads me to the second barrier holding people back from tapping into obsession — where they do begin to take action, but their discipline — in its traditional sense — fails.

I’m sure you’ve seen it before. Watching someone start a new business, journey, or goal with that intense spark of ambition, only to throw in the towel — not because their goals aren’t worthy or unreachable but because their discipline — that initial spark — dims too quickly.

They haven’t given themselves the chance to cross that threshold where disciplined actions become a part of their very essence, where routine blossoms into a life-changing obsession.

And so, they never fully give themselves to what it is they’re pursuing. They see discipline mistakenly as an end rather than a means, as just a series of checkboxes — a rigid structure rather than the soil from which the extraordinary can grow.

But please don’t get me wrong, the journey from discipline to obsession is rarely a straight line. It meanders, it challenges, it tests your resolve. But it’s in this testing, this pushing against our perceived limits, that we find something greater within ourselves.

It’s here, in the crucible of consistent and progressive action, that we uncover the potential for obsession — for a fully-lived life. But to reach this level, you must be willing to persist. You must be willing to look beyond the immediate discomfort and the whispering doubts.

You must hold on for just a bit longer, and push through the barriers of your mind that want things to be fun, fast and easy.

Because on the other side of discipline, after the blood, sweat, tears and the moments of wanting to give up, lies the possibility of discovering an obsession that makes it all worthwhile. It’s in this space where discipline has carried you far enough to see the glimmer of what could be, that true obsession occurs — the love for the person you are becoming.

Your actions become less about what you have to do and more about what you can’t wait to do. Your pursuit becomes not just a part of your daily routine but a piece of who you are.

To wrap everything up, discipline, in its essence, is about adhering to a set of rules or a regimen — a necessary foundation, but often externally imposed and maintained through sheer willpower. It’s the force that gets you started, that helps you take the first steps toward your goals, even when every part of you resists.

But obsession? Obsession is what happens when discipline cracks open the door to something deeper. It’s when the pursuit stops being something you do and becomes a part of who you are. It’s no longer about following rules but about being so deeply connected to your purpose that the thought of not pursuing it feels like denying a part of yourself.

Obsession is where discipline morphs into desire. Where once there was resistance, now there is longing. Where once there was obligation, now there is passion.

So, I leave you with one last thought:

You will never know if something is right for you if you don’t step into the arena.

You will never discover what you’re capable of if you don’t give it your all.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a new relationship, a new business, a new city, a new hobby or a new experience, the only way to know if it’s meant for you is to through yourself completely into it and give it your all.

If it’s meant for you, you’ll be rewarded with opportunities and outcomes far beyond your wildest imagination. If not, you’ll move on, free from the burden of regret, knowing you gave it your all.

That’s all you can ever do.

Remember, the burden of leaving a situation with the thought of “I could have done more” is far worse than the pain of failure. So find that inner strength, the courage to make your next move.

And once you do, for once and for all, pour your entire heart into it and give it everything you got.

Embrace the challenge.

Embrace the discomfort.

Embrace your full unbridled potential.

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